Interface Core

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Core
    Multiverse 2 Core API

    This API contains a bunch of useful things you can get out of Multiverse in general!

    • Method Detail

      • getVaultHandler

        VaultHandler getVaultHandler()
        we are now using getEconomist() for all economy needs.
        Returns the Vault handler used by Multiverse. The returned object will have all methods necessary for interfacing with Vault.
        the Vault handler for Multiverse.
      • getEconomist

        MVEconomist getEconomist()
        Retrieves Multiverse's friendly economist. The economist can be used for dealing with economies without worrying about any of the messy details.
        the economy manager for Multiverse.
      • loadConfigs

        void loadConfigs()
        Reloads the Multiverse Configuration files: worlds.yml and config.yml.
      • getMessaging

        MultiverseMessaging getMessaging()
        Gets the Multiverse message system. This allows you to send messages to users at specified intervals.
        The loaded MultiverseMessaging.
      • getPlayerSession

        MVPlayerSession getPlayerSession​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
        Gets the MVPlayerSession for the given player. This will also create a player session if one does not exist for a player.
        player - The player's session to grab.
        The corresponding MVPlayerSession.
      • getMVPerms

        MVPermissions getMVPerms()
        Multiverse uses an advanced permissions setup, this object simplifies getting/setting permissions.
        A non-null MVPermissions.
      • getCommandHandler

        com.pneumaticraft.commandhandler.CommandHandler getCommandHandler()
        Multiverse uses CommandHandler to make adding and using commands a piece of cake.
        A non-null CommandHandler.
      • getCommandQueueManager

        CommandQueueManager getCommandQueueManager()
        To be moved to new command manager in 5.0.0
        Manager for command that requires /mv confirm before execution.
        A non-null CommandQueueManager.
      • getMVWorldManager

        MVWorldManager getMVWorldManager()
        Gets the primary class responsible for managing Multiverse Worlds.
      • saveMVConfigs

        boolean saveMVConfigs()
        Saves all configs.
        Whether the config was successfully saved
      • regenWorld

        java.lang.Boolean regenWorld​(java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.Boolean useNewSeed,
                                     java.lang.Boolean randomSeed,
                                     java.lang.String seed)
        Previously used by queued commands to regenerate a world on a delay. Do not use api method for any other purpose.
        name - Name of the world to regenerate
        useNewSeed - If a new seed should be used
        randomSeed - If the new seed should be random
        seed - The seed of the world.
        True if success, false if fail.
      • regenWorld

        java.lang.Boolean regenWorld​(java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.Boolean useNewSeed,
                                     java.lang.Boolean randomSeed,
                                     java.lang.String seed,
                                     java.lang.Boolean keepGameRules)
        Used by queued commands to regenerate a world on a delay. Do not use api method for any other purpose.
        name - Name of the world to regenerate
        useNewSeed - If a new seed should be used
        randomSeed - If the new seed should be random
        seed - The seed of the world.
        keepGameRules - If GameRules should be kept on world regen.
        True if success, false if fail.
      • decrementPluginCount

        void decrementPluginCount()
        Decrements the number of plugins that have specifically hooked into core.
      • incrementPluginCount

        void incrementPluginCount()
        Increments the number of plugins that have specifically hooked into core.
      • getPluginCount

        int getPluginCount()
        Returns the number of plugins that have specifically hooked into core.
        The number if plugins that have hooked into core.
      • getAuthors

        java.lang.String getAuthors()
        Parse the Authors Array into a readable String with ',' and 'and'.
        The readable authors-String
      • getScriptAPI

        buscript.Buscript getScriptAPI()
        Gets the buscript object for Multiverse. This is what handles Javascript processing.
        The Multiverse buscript object.