Credit Where Credits Due September 21, 2011 by lithium3141

GitHub pull requests are a marvelous thing. They’ve taken cross-team contribution and random patches and made a system, built on Git, that simplifies bugfixes and new features down to the push of a button.

In a pull request, though, there are two key people: the author and the committer. The author is the one actually responsible for writing the code; the committer is the one that sticks it in a repository (usually a privileged or “main” repository for release purposes). Both of these people should have their names attached to the commit, but by default in a pull request, only the author’s name appears - the committer is ignored entirely.

This article lays out a series of Git commands to resolve this problem and mention both contributors on a single commit in GitHub, using a recent patch to Multiverse-Portals as an example.

In this case, a friendly dev named...

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