Package com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.commands
This package contains all Commands.
Class Summary Class Description AnchorCommand Allows management of Anchor Destinations.CheckCommand Checks to see if a player can go to a destination.CloneCommand Creates a clone of a world.ConfigCommand Allows you to set Global MV Variables.ConfirmCommand Confirms actions.CoordCommand Returns detailed information on the Players where abouts.CreateCommand Creates a new world and loads it.DebugCommand Enables debug-information.DeleteCommand Deletes worlds.EnvironmentCommand Lists valid known environments.GameruleCommand Allows management of Anchor Destinations.GamerulesCommand Allows management of Anchor Destinations.GeneratorCommand Returns a list of loaded generator plugins.HelpCommand Displays a nice help menu.ImportCommand Imports a new world of the specified type.InfoCommand Returns detailed information about a world.ListCommand Displays a listing of all worlds that a player can enter.LoadCommand Loads a world into Multiverse.ModifyAddCommand Used to modify various aspects of worlds.ModifyClearCommand Removes all values from a world-property.ModifyCommand Used to modify various aspects of worlds.ModifyRemoveCommand Removes values from a world-property.ModifySetCommand Used to set world-properties.MultiverseCommand A generic Multiverse-command.PaginatedCommand<T> A generic paginated command.PaginatedCoreCommand<T> A generic paginated Multiverse-command.PurgeCommand Removes a type of mob from a world.RegenCommand Regenerates a world.ReloadCommand Reloads worlds.yml and config.yml.RemoveCommand Unloads a world and removes it from the config.ScriptCommand States who is in what world.SetSpawnCommand Sets the spawn for a world.SilentCommand Enables debug-information.SleepCommand Takes the player to the latest bed he's slept in.SpawnCommand Teleports a player to the spawn.TeleportCommand Used to teleport players.UnloadCommand Unloads worlds from Multiverse.VersionCommand Dumps version info to the console.WhoCommand States who is in what world.